Sunday, 20 January 2013


Omg omg ! I finally terjebak . What's these hu ha about blogging ? It seems it seems like practically everyone i know owns a blog. I have been keeping this wanting to register a blog for a long time, but what kept me sceptical and unsure are two things 

1) who will read my blog ? 
2) can i keep it going ?

 I hate starting something and not able to finish or sustaining it, seolah olah macam orang buat kerja tak siap . I can't even manage my fb, tweeter and instagram account , sekarang nak buat blog ?. Kalau tak de sapa baca , rasa macam loser pulak . Syok sendiri kan . But blog orang lain pun syok sendiri kan ? So tulis jea lah . At least there's an outlet for me to state how i feel and let my opinion known. It's just my opinion kay ,so tak yah nak ambik hat sanggat lah if you disagree. 

So , i ve been thinking ... What should i blog about ? Apparently , there s fashion bloggers, personal bloggers, life style bloggers, travel bloggers, political bloggers and 1001 lagi jenis bloggers diluar sana. The common thing they have with each other is passion. Passionate about the subject that they blog about. Omg omg ! I finally terjebak . What's these hu ha about blogging ? It seems it seems like practically everyone i know owns a blog. I have been keeping this wanting to register a blog for a long time, but what kept me sceptical and unsure are two things 1) who will read my blog ? 2) can i keep it going ? I hate starting something and not able to finish or sustaining it, seolah olah macam orang buat kerja tak siap . I can't even manage my fb, tweeter and instagram account , sekarang nak buat blog ?. Kalau tak de sapa baca , rasa macam loser pulak . Syok sendiri kan . But blog orang lain pun syok sendiri kan ? So tulis jea lah . At least there's an outlet for me to state how i feel and let my opinion known. It's just my opinion kay ,so tak yah nak ambik hat sanggat lah if you disagree.

So , i ve been thinking ... What should i blog about ? Apparently , there s fashion bloggers, personal bloggers, life style bloggers, travel bloggers, political bloggers and 1001 lagi jenis bloggers diluar sana. The common thing they have with each other

So i asked myself , so what am i passionate about ? Half of my rambles probably agak sensetive topic nya, so i might only go there once in a while , nevertheless i will talk about it , cause this is a blog, you are supposed to have an opinion about something right ? Kalau tidak kenapa blog kan ? 

So i decided, apart from making my blog entries , the easy going type of blogging , i will narrow it down. After all some kind of specialization is required to differentiate from the rest. Nak cakap pasal fashion, i ni tak lah fashionable sangat, nak cakap pasal makan , i ni tak lah everyday keluar makan kat tempat Yuppies and best best. 

But what i think i'd like to blog about is my family. Err , so menarik ke my family ni ? Syok sendiri right ? I will blog about my experiences, travel, issues relating to - A YOUNG FAMILY WITH TODDLERS (YFWT). Ahah. so i am getting somewhere. So apa issue- issue YFWT  ? 
- Travellling
- Dining 
- Shopping 
- Pembantu rumah
- Financial 
- Parenting 
- Family
- Career Mom
- dan sebagainya. 

I can't wait to start. 

So , this long Maulidur Rasul and Thaipusam weekend, we are going to an exotic beach holiday. 
Ahah, where ? Just look out for my next blog entry kay. 

So wish me luck and thanks for your support. 


  1. Wow, sis dah ada blog! Welcome to blogging :) follow you ^_^

    1. Thank @anisathia , m inspired by youb :) , byk akak kena belajar from you :)
